Henry “Hank” Coxe, III is the director of the Bedell Firm, Florida’s oldest law firm in continuous existence. Hank is well known for his defense work in high profile and pro bono cases. He also has served in significant voluntary roles, such as president of The Florida Bar and the Jacksonville Bar Association. He also served on the Florida Supreme Court Innocence Commission, the Judicial Qualifications Commission, and the Florida Constitution Revision Commission. In 2012, Hank’s leadership as president of the Florida Supreme Court Historical Society guided the organization through a critical transitional period in its history. Hank graciously provided his response to the following questions about his many years of involvement with the Florida Supreme Court Historical Society Why did you apply to become a member of the Board of Trustees of the Florida Supreme Court Historical Society?
Describe how serving as President of the Board of Trustees for the Florida Supreme Court Historical Society has impacted your professional career. My particular year as president triggered significant interaction with many of the Historical Society’s Trustees, as it was a “crisis” period for reasons not anticipated. Many Trustees I came to know well. The experience served as a reminder of the value that input from others who are wiser can be in difficult times. What is your favorite memory of the Florida Supreme Court and/or your involvement with the Florida Supreme Court Historical Society? As emcee of the Supreme Evening,
Why would you recommend that someone join and support the Historical Society? The Historical Society may be the only genuine opportunity (and motivation) to learn much of the Court’s history, which would otherwise never be known. It is a lesson in how the Court’s history mirrors Florida’s. |